Spring Softball

Spring Softball

Our Softball Program is open to all players ages 4-17. We offer a primarily recreational softball environment for player, with the addition of an “Advanced League” for players and teams looking for a more competitive structure and competitive rules-based League.

Everyone is welcome whether you are new to the sport or if you have played before and would like to further develop your softball skills.

ASA Softball offers a Spring season with registration beginning in January and the season running February through May. We also offer a Fall season with registration beginning in July and the season running early September through mid-November.

The divisions are by date of birth with leagues broken down into a 6-and-under modified t-ball league, an 8-and-under coach pitch league, a 10-and-under fast pitch league, a 12-and-under fast pitch league and a 16-and-under fast pitch league.

Advanced League, a combination of our previous “Competitive” offering for 8U, 10U and 12U age divisions, allowing high-experience recreational, as well as competitive level teams to participate in dedicated league play. Games will be played at Allen Station Softball Park, on designated league nights. This league is intended for pre-formed teams only, and ASA Softball will not offer a draft or assistance placing players on rosters in this league. The ASA Softball Board will evaluate new and returning teams to determine proper league placement.

  • Criteria for evaluation will include the following:
    • Team, Coach, and Player registration with Select/Competitive/Tournament governing associations (e.g. USSSA, USA Softball, etc.) 

      • Number of select players on a team

        • No more than 40% of a recreational team can be comprised of select players

      • Number of select pitchers and/or catchers on a team

        • No more than 50% of the allotted select players a team is allowed may be comprised of pitchers and/or catchers. 

      • Note that a select player is defined as a player who has competed, in any capacity and for any duration, on a select team during any of the 2023 or 2024 seasons. 

    • Number of players on the roster with select tournament experience

    • Level of tournament experience for each player and coach

    • Tournament or competitive experience in the past 12 months

    • Team fees charged to players

    • Paid Coaching

    • Dedicated training facilities

    • Returning players from previous seasons (number, experience, etc)

    • Previous season standings/results, including scoring differential where applicable

    • Advertised/marketed tryouts

    • Previous tournament results

New for Spring 2025!

New for Spring 2025!

ASA Softball is pleased to announce the new officiating partnership with United Sports Officials (USO)!

This aligns us with our ASA Baseball program, which has used USO umpires to officiate for many years. While we are looking forward to seeing the fruits of this new partnership, we would still encourage our coaches and fans to inform their League Directors of any issues or concerns as it relates to officiating before, during, or after any game or other ASA-sanctioned event. Feedback regarding umpire performance (Positive or Negative) may also be submitted within this form**.

**Form Coming Soon!

Season Information

Season Information



  6U Modified T-Ball 8U Coach Pitch 10U Modified Kid Pitch 12U Intercity 14U Intercity
Registration Dates Jan.2 - Jan.31

Jan.2 - Jan.31

Jan.2 - Jan.31

Jan.2 - Jan.31

Jan.2 - Jan.31

Registration Fee $75.00 $115.00 $120.00



Number of Games  8 10 10 10 10
Tournament Format None Single Elimination Single Elimination Single Elimination Single Elimination
Uniforms Included Yes No No No No
Participation Shirt Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Season Award Participation Participation & Placement Based on # of Teams Based on # of Teams Based on # of Teams
Tournament Award N/A 1st and 2nd Place 1st & 2nd Place 1st & 2nd Place 1st & 2nd Place




Additional Information

Additional Information

Softball games will be played on designated weeknights with Saturday games scheduled, as necessary. Each league will have a different weeknight for games. 

  • 6U Modified T-Ball - Saturdays (Occasional Tuesday/Thursday)
  • 8U Coach Pitch - Tuesday (Occasional Saturday)
  • 10U Modified Kid Pitch - Thursday (Occasional Saturday, overflow on Tuesday)
  • 12U Kid Pitch - Monday, (Occasional Saturday, overflow on Tuesday)
  • 14U/16U Fast Pitch - Monday (Occasional Saturday, overflow on Tuesday)
  • 10U and 12U Advanced leagues will play on Wednesday nights.
  • 8U Advanced league will play on Tuesday nights.

Games are played at the following locations:

  • 6U through 14U/16U - Allen Station Softball Complex

Practices are up to the discretion of the Head Coach. Once teams are formed, Coaches will inform parents and players of a practice time, day and location for their team. We do not place players based on when or where a team practices because that information is not available during the registration/team formation process. 

There are no refunds for canceled games due to weather or other issues beyond the control of the league.


Volunteer Softball Board

Volunteer Softball Board



  Name Email
Commissioner Dee Besson softball@allensports.org
Secretary Jessica Kniest sbsecretary@allensports.org
Tournament Director Monica Pilcher


Equipment Director Emil Sims sbequipment@allensports.org
6U League Director Jonathan Stellato 6USBdirector@allensports.org
8U League Director Dennis Wilson 8USBdirector@allensports.org
10U League Director Felipe Small 10USBdirector@allensports.org
12U League Director Jessica Stafford 12USBdirector@allensports.org
14U League Director Dave Clark 14USBdirector@allensports.org



Special Offers

Dick's Sporting Goods

Dick's Sporting Goods
Dick's Sporting Goods

Hours of Operation

Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Closed for lunch: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Office: 972.727.9565

ASA logo

ASA logo
ASA logo



Allen Sports Association
950 E. Main Street  |  Allen, TX 75002