Additional Information
Softball games will be played on designated weeknights with Saturday games scheduled, as necessary. Each league will have a different weeknight for games.
- 6U Modified T-Ball - Saturdays (Occasional Tuesday/Thursday)
- 8U Coach Pitch - Tuesday (Occasional Saturday)
- 10U Modified Kid Pitch - Thursday (Occasional Saturday, overflow on Tuesday)
- 12U Kid Pitch - Monday, (Occasional Saturday, overflow on Tuesday)
- 14U/16U Fast Pitch - Monday (Occasional Saturday, overflow on Tuesday)
- 10U and 12U Advanced leagues will play on Wednesday nights.
- 8U Advanced league will play on Tuesday nights.
Games are played at the following locations:
- 6U through 14U/16U - Allen Station Softball Complex
Practices are up to the discretion of the Head Coach. Once teams are formed, Coaches will inform parents and players of a practice time, day and location for their team. We do not place players based on when or where a team practices because that information is not available during the registration/team formation process.
There are no refunds for canceled games due to weather or other issues beyond the control of the league.
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Closed for lunch: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Office: 972.727.9565