Fall Baseball

Fall Baseball

We offer multiple options for kids of all ages and skill levels from the beginner to the elite level athlete.

Our Developmental 4U-6U league is for beginner players between the ages of 4-6 years old. The emphasis for this league is teaching the basics of the game of baseball. No scores are kept for these leagues. Our 4U & 5U t-ball leagues play with a smaller roster size. We have removed the outfield players from the game in these leagues. Only the 5 infield positions will be played. The optimum roster size for these leagues is 7-8 players. ASA 50% playtime rules apply. All players receive a participation award and T-Shirt at the end of the season. ASA 50% playtime rules apply.

The Recreational 7U-18U league is designed specifically for new players to baseball, players who are still developing their baseball skills or players/families who are just looking for an outlet for fun and exercise. Scores will be kept and awards given to top two placing teams in both league and tournament play. ASA 50% playtime rules apply.

The Competitive 8U-15U league is designed specifically for skilled players and teams who previously played in the recreational league and have honed their skills to the next level. This league helps to develop players/teams for tournament play. Players looking to join a competitive team may click HERE to find information on teams looking for players. For coaches looking to register and pay for a team click HERE.

Competitive registration is a TEAM registration. Team registration is set up to allow the head coach to register & pay for the team online with one payment. Once the team is registered and the head coach background check and child abuse prevention training has been completed, the team code will be sent to the head coach via email. Players will then register to the team roster without payment.

Team fees are based on a 12-player roster and any additional players will have to pay an individual fee. Team player minimum is 10 players and maximum is 15 players.


Season Information

Season Information
  Developmental Recreational Competitive

4U - 6U

7U - 10U 11U - 12U Middle - High School 7U - 10U 11U - HS
Registration Fee $50.00 $100.00 $110.00 $115.00 $1,620.00 $1,680.00
Registration Dates July 1 - July 31
Season Dates Sep. 7 - Nov. 2 Sep. 7 - Nov. 9 Aug. 26 - Nov. 8
Tournament Dates None Week of November 4 Week of November 4
Season Games 8 8 10
Tournament Games None Single Elimination Single Elimination
Uniforms Included No No No
Participation Shirt Yes Yes No
League Awards Participation 1st & 2nd Place No
Tournament Awards No 1st & 2nd Place 1st & 2nd Place




General Information

General Information



  • 4U-6U Developmental - Games are scheduled at 1 hour and 15 minute increments on Saturdays. Bye/Make-Up/Rainout games on weeknights will be scheduled at 6 pm or 7 pm. Weeknight games are not typical for these leagues but may occur due to weather and/or other scheduling issues.
  • 7U-8U Recreational - Games are scheduled at 1 hour and 30 minute increments on Saturdays, Bye/Make-Up/Rainout games on weeknights will be scheduled at 6 pm or 7:30 pm. Weeknight games are not typical for these leagues but may occur due to weather and/or other scheduling issues.
  • 9U-10U Recreational - Games are scheduled at 2 hour increments on Saturdays. Bye/Make-Up/Rainout games on weeknights will be scheduled at 6 pm or 7:40 pm. Weeknight games are not typical for these leagues but may occur due to weather and/or other scheduling issues.
  • 11U-12U Recreational - Games are scheduled at 2 hour increments on Saturdays. Bye/Make-Up/Rainout games on weeknights will be scheduled at 6 pm or 7:50 pm. Weeknight games are not typical for these leagues but may occur due to weather and/or other scheduling issues.
  • 13U-High School - Games are scheduled at 2 hour increments on Saturdays & weeknights. Games on weeknights will be scheduled at 6 pm or 8 pm. Double-headers may be played in this league.


  • 8U Competitive - Games are scheduled at 1 hour and 30 minute increments on Monday nights. Game times will be scheduled at 6 pm or 7:30 pm. Wednesday, Friday & Saturday games are not typical for these leagues but may occur due to weather and/or other scheduling issues.
  • 9U-10U Competitive - Games are scheduled at 1 hour and 40 minute increments on Thursday nights. Game times will be scheduled at 6 pm or 7:40 pm. Wednesday, Friday & Saturday games are not typical for these leagues but may occur due to weather and/or other scheduling issues.
  • 11U-12U Competitive - Games are scheduled at 1 hour and 50 minutes increments on Tuesday nights.. Games will be scheduled at 6 pm or 7:50 pm. Wednesday, Friday & Saturday games are not typical for these leagues but may occur due to weather and/or other scheduling issues.
  • Middle School (13U-14U) and High School Competitive (15U-18U) - Games are scheduled at 2 hour increments on Tuesday and/or Thursday nights. Games on weeknights will be scheduled at 6 pm or 8 pm. Double-headers will be played in this league.


  • Recreational tournament games will be played on Saturdays, weeknights and on Sunday, if needed
  • Competitive tournament games may be played on weeknights and Saturdays, if needed
  • All game days are based on field availability and number of teams. Make-up games and rescheduled games can be scheduled on days that are not typical game days. For example: Recreational make-ups may be played on weeknights and competitive make-ups may be played on Saturdays. 
  • There are no refunds for canceled games due to weather or other issues beyond the control of the league.


Volunteer Baseball Board

Volunteer Baseball Board
  Name Email
Commissioner Cory Reed baseball@allensports.org
Secretary Dayna Milliff  
Equipment Director Adam Abshire baseballequipment@allensports.org
4U League Director Dayna Milliff 4ULDbaseball@allensports.org
5U League Director Dayna Milliff 5ULDbaseball@allensports.org
6U League Director Keith Tough 6ULDbaseball@allensports.org
7U League Director Justin Wild 7ULDbaseball@allensports.org
8U League Director Charlie Young 8ULDbaseball@allensports.org
9U League Director Sean Stewart 9ULDbaseball@allensports.org
10U League Director Jon Rutty 10ULDbaseball@allensports.org
11U League Director Danny Reukema 11ULDbaseball@allensports.org
12U League Director Danny Reukema 12ULDbaseball@allensports.org
Middle School League Director Steven Perez MSLDbaseball@allensports.org
High School League Director Steven Perez HSLDbaseball@allensports.org



Special Offers

Dick's Sporting Goods

Dick's Sporting Goods
Dick's Sporting Goods

Hours of Operation

Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Closed for lunch: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Office: 972.727.9565

ASA logo

ASA logo
ASA logo



Allen Sports Association
950 E. Main Street  |  Allen, TX 75002