Practice Request Form

Practice Request Form

Practices this Fall will be held in AISD Elementary School Gyms or Stephen G Terrell REcreation Center Fieldhouse. (STRC)

ALLEN ISD GYMS: CANNOT BE ACCESSED PRIOR TO 6:30 PM ON WEEKNIGHTS – Gym entrance doors will automatically unlock at 6:25 pm at AISD Gyms.
STRC COURTS: Practices will start at 6pm, and courts will not be available before 6pm. 

AISD Gym Monitors are there to make sure the doors are unlocked on time and to make sure gym equipment is set up and ready to use. They are also there to make sure the AISD policies are followed.

ASA Gym Monitors will be at the STRC to make sure nets are at proper height and ready to use.  They are also there to make sure STRC policies are followed.

Practices are scheduled to start at 6:30pm,7:30pm, and 8:30pm at AISD and 6:00pm, 7:00pm, 8:00pm, and 9:00pm at STRC.  Please do not stay or linger in the gym past the end of your scheduled practice time. If you would like to meet with team parents, please do so outside of the school/rec center. Gym Monitor’s will be locking up and closing the gym at the last scheduled practice end time.

The first practice of the night in each gym is responsible for putting up the net in the AISD school gyms.  Poles should be placed in the floor before you arrive.  The last practice of the night (8:30pm start) must take the net down and leave it on the floor next to the poles.  DO NOT REMOVE THE POLES FROM THEIR PLACE IN THE FLOOR.

Fall 2024: Practices are included in registration. Each team will receive one, 1 hour practice each week. There will be no refunds for practices, if your team chooses not to use them.

If you are locked out of a gym, call (972)727-9565 Option 5

Please only fill out the practice request form 1 time. If you need to make changes, please email


Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Closed for lunch: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Office: 972.727.9565

ASA logo

ASA logo


Allen Sports Association
950 E. Main Street  |  Allen, TX 75002