Spring Lacrosse

Spring Lacrosse

Lacrosse, considered to be America's first sport, was born of the North American Indian, christened by the French and adapted by the Canadians. Athletes and enthusiasts of the United States and British Commonwealth have embraced modern lacrosse for over a century. The sport is a combination of basketball, soccer and hockey. Anyone can play lacrosse -the big or the small. The game requires coordination and agility, not brawn. Quickness and speed are two highly prized qualities in lacrosse.

Girls enjoy the game of modern lacrosse and it emphasizes skill and ball handling. Since physical contact is penalized in the girl's game, eye and mouth guards are the only protective equipment required. 

Information about the history of lacrosse, the rules and equipment can be found on the US Lacrosse Association's website. 


Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Closed for lunch: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Office: 972.727.9565

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Allen Sports Association
950 E. Main Street  |  Allen, TX 75002