Coach Information
Our sports programs depend on volunteers as coaches and your support is needed!
You will experience the joy of seeing players learn and develop self confidence, learn teamwork, participate in games and thoroughly enjoy playing youth sports.
As a volunteer coach with ASA you can help further the Mission of ASA to be the place Where Kids Come to Play!
At ASA coaching is a privilege and not a right. All coaches should read and know our Vision & Mission Statement as well as our Core Values and Behaviors. In addition, coaches must read and adhere to the ASA Universal Code of Conduct.
ASA Vision & Mission Statement
As a co-sponsored organization of the City of Allen, we are required to provide a coach certification process for all coaches in all sports. There are several steps to the coach certification process outlined below. This is the basic ASA coach registration and certification process. Some sports programs require additional training and/or certifications. Please check the individual sport webpage for information on any additional coaching requirements.
- Register
- Complete Annual Criminal Background Check
- Complete Child Abuse Prevention Training
- Complete Concussion Training
- Pick Up Coaching Badge
*Soccer coaches should check the soccer page for complete information on requirements
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Closed for lunch: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Office: 972.727.9565